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Yes, the LSAT can be brutal. The good news?

It's completely learnable.




Writing Dates

The LSAT is among the most difficult and frustrating exams most students will ever take. One cannot study (in the traditional sense) for the LSAT: unlike history class, regurgitating memorized material won't help you one iota. The secrets to success? Time, practice, but above all, good solid strategies. That's where we come in. We can try to keep you on task and motivated like a kickboxing instructor, but our big value add is our methods, tips, and shortcuts that you won't find anywhere else.  


Inherent in the LSAT is a fundamental tradeoff: that of certainty vs speed. The key to success is to strike a balance between the two. Fifteen sequential correct answers won't get you the score you need if you fudged the last ten in thirty seconds.


You don't have to like the LSAT; few people do (except tutors!). But you have to respect it as an elegant, and brilliant evaluation tool. Go through the dozens of LSATs that have been administered over the years, and try to find a typo, one misspelling, one syntax error. You won't. This is a smart test, but luckily, with the right tools you can outsmart it.



LSAT scoring chart by Ozprep Toronto

Our ultimate goal for all students is a score

in the mid 160's. Getting to that point can take a while, depending on whether you're brand new to the LSAT or coming with experience under your belt. Regardless, we find this target to be feasible for most students who put in the sufficient time and effort.


A mid-160's score will likely get you into many/most Canadian schools. It's a reasonable, attainable goal.

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